A Few of my Favorite Things


Embroidered Tablecloth

I’m sure I saw this on Martha Stewart a decade ago. It screams of something she would do. I took an old plain white tablecloth and for holidays I lay it on the dining room table and allow people to draw pictures or write a message, which I later embroider (very poorly) onto the clothe. I can see eyes roll while you read this, but I have tiny handprints from my kids and beautiful messages from people I don’t get to see often. A faster alternative would be to allow guests to mark the tablecloth with a washable fabric marker, then go over the image with a permanent fabric marker later.


Oyster Salt Cellars

My sister in law takes oyster shells she finds at the beach, cleans and paints them transforming them into beautiful salt and pepper cellars for your table. She gave me a set of three this year for Christmas. I just love them and think they make great hostess gifts!


Homemade Pottery

I’ve taken quite a few pottery classes at Easthampton Clay, where Liz patiently teaches you how to throw on the wheel and hand build treasures. I need about 9,970 more hours to make a set of similar plates, but the coffee mug I use daily brings joy to my morning. This is a great girls night out or date night too!


Websites I love

