Friendsgiving 2019
It’s rare that we get to enjoy dinner with my friends and their families. Four years ago we decided to make Friendsgiving a holiday. Since I don’t host Thanksgiving, I host Friendsgiving, but everyone brings a dish to enjoy. Each year I have fun doing a new tablescape, but the menu hasn’t really changed throughout the years and everyone is okay with that! As the bulk of these kids go to college next year, the date will change, but I’m hoping the tradition continues.
Rainbow Jello
Amy surprised us when she brought the rainbow jello to the first Friendsgiving. Since then, it is the most asked about recipe of the day.
I usually prepare a giant standing rib roast for this holiday. The popovers are a wonderful tool to sop up the jus or to just smother in butter.
Standing Rib Roast
This impressive roast only gets made once a year since it’s so pricy. It is so delicious and cooks rather quickly. What a presentation!